Full frame Canons capture four out of five winning slots in our February photography contest


posted Sunday, March 25, 2018 at 7:47 AM EDT


Each month we're honored to award $600 in Adorama cash to the top three images from our Photo of the Day Contest. Only 10% of the submissions that come our way are selected for daily placement, so the prize winning images displayed below certainly represent only the best of the best submissions we receive!

This month was a good one, and we're grateful to the wonderful photographers featured here for sharing their art and creativity with us and our readers. Marco Campi takes the top spot this month with his captivating image "The World In His Eyes" which garnered the $300 grand prize this month.

First Prize • $300 gift certificate from Adorama

The World In His Eyes by Marco Campi • Canon 6D

Congratulations to Marco for this incredible photograph, and thanks for sending it our way!

Next up and taking the $200 second prize is no stranger to our awards podium. The talented Melissa Andersen and her image "Almost There" indeed almost captured the top slot this month, falling to second by a very slim margin.

Second Prize • $200 gift certificate from Adorama

Almost There by Melissa Andersen • Canon 5D Mark III

Congratulations on yet another prize-winner, Melissa, and thanks so much for all the wonderful submissions you send our way!

Our third and final prize-winner this month is a fun moment captured by Donald Wyllie with an Olympus E-M1 Mark II, our 2016 Camera of the Year and the only camera featured here that's not a Canon Full Frame model.

Third Prize • $100 gift certificate from Adorama

Screech Owl and Mosquito by Donald Wyllie • Olympus E-M1 Mark II

A delightful image indeed, and very deserving of the Third Prize this month. Congratulations, Donald!

Additional Honors

Moon Over The Arch by Mike Jackson • Canon 5DS
First Swim by Carol Lynne Fowler • Canon 5D Mark II

Thanks to everyone who enters our contest,
and congratulations to this month's winning images!

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And now, about those four full frame Canons.....

This contest is obviously about the images first and foremost, and the judges are not privy to the names of the photographers nor the gear models used when voting for the monthly awards. Any occurrence such as this is purely coincidental, but since we are a site primarily dedicated to the testing of camera gear, we can't help but notice when there's a dominance by one brand in any given month in the contest. (And based on your clicks, you readers seem to agree!)

Other than the Olympus E-M1 Mark II, which was used to capture our Third Prize as mentioned above, all winners and runners-up this month were Canon Full Frames, including a 6D, 5D Mark III, 5D Mark II and a 5DS. I've written in years past on several occassions about how dominant Canon and Nikon have been in our contest, and the division between APS-C and Full Frame has been a close one as well. But having four full frame models from the same company in the top five spots is a definite first in our contest.

For the curious among you, I've looked through the past 5 years in our contest to extract any additional evidence of camera dominance in any given month, and I came across 5 such occurrences:

October 2017 • A Nikon model takes all three prize-winning slots (mix of APS-C and FF)

Sept 2015 • A Canon model takes all three prize-winning slots (mix of APS-C and FF)

June 2015 • A Canon clean sweep across all five slots! (mix of APS-C and FF)

June 2014 • A Canon model takes all three prize-winning slots (mix of APS-C and FF)

May 2014 • A Canon model takes all three prize-winning slots (mix of APS-C and FF)

Clearly, Canon has experienced more podium sweeps, and yet the division between Canon and Nikon remains fairly close overall. No other companies come anywhere close to the dominance in our contest experienced by these two companies, even when you combine them all into one!

February Winners' Gallery

Thanks to all photographers who enter our contest, and please keep the excellent submissions coming our way! Click any image above for a larger version and more information about the photograph.

[Editor's note: When voting for the monthly winners, the voting panel is only shown the printed images, and is not aware of the name of the photographers nor the camera models used for capture.]

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How to win:

For more about what our prize-winning photographers shoot with and why, straight from the source, please see this article. It's from a few years ago, but is still quite relavant today. And for those of you wanting to know more about our competition please visit this news story, which describes our contest and also offers some useful tips to help you succeed, and this story that warns you of the best ways to NOT succeed. To see the camera and exposure information for this month's winners, please click any image above, and to see winners from previous months, please visit our POTD winner's gallery.

[And if you're ready to enter now, just click here!]

• Thanks to Adorama for sponsoring our contest! •

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