Two Minute Tips: Reproducing the effects of polarizing filters and tilt-shift lenses on your computer


posted Tuesday, September 11, 2018 at 1:00 PM EDT


There are many adjustments you can make to your images during post-processing, but there are some things you need to get right during capture. One of these is using a polarizing filter. Its effects are not easily replicated during editing, particularly if you are using a polarizer to reduce reflections in a scene.

In last week’s episode of Two Minute Tips with David Bergman, the photographer showcased the advantages of a polarizer and whether you can achieve the same results on a computer.

Like the episode above, this week’s video is about which results should be achieved in camera and which can be handled on a computer. A tilt-shift lens can create a unique shallow depth of field effect, which is rather straightforward to reproduce during editing. On the other hand, a tilt-shift can also be used to capture straight and non-distorted lines, which is particularly useful when shooting architecture photography. The video below compares using a tilt-shift lens versus producing a similar effect using Photoshop.

To see more from David Bergman, be sure to head to his website.

(Via Adorama