7 simple tips to improve your photography in 2022
posted Monday, January 3, 2022 at 9:45 AM EST

Do you want to improve your photography skills in 2022? In a new video, photographer Nigel Danson offers seven tips to help you make significant strides this year.
Danson's first tip is to start a project. There are many great ideas for photography projects out there, including a challenge to take a photograph every single day, shooting a different theme every week, or giving a new genre of photography a try in 2022. Having something that you're working on throughout the year will keep you focused and growing.
The second tip is to learn a new skill in your photo editing software of choice. Photo editing is an important part of the overall digital photography process. Learning new skills on your computer can significantly improve your overall work, but it can also improve your skills behind the camera because you'll better understand what's possible when editing photos and be able to better visualize the final image while shooting. It's important to have a plan and improving your editing skills makes planning easier.
Looking ahead sometimes means looking back, too. Danson's third tip is to review older images. We can learn a lot by viewing our older work with a fresh perspective. It's helpful to view your favorite shots and feel good about your work. It's also helpful to look at photos you don't like as much and learn what you could have done differently. Missed opportunities can become invaluable lessons when you give yourself the chance to learn.
To view the rest of Danson's seven tips to improve your photography in 2022, be sure to watch the full video above. To view more of his excellent videos, head to his YouTube channel. You can also view more of his work by checking out his website.
(Via Nigel Danson)