Video: How to use Lightroom’s AI masking technology to create stunning black and white portraits
posted Saturday, January 8, 2022 at 6:00 AM EST
In the latest major release of Adobe Lightroom, Adobe added new AI masking features. You can click Select Sky or Select Subject to have the software quickly and often accurately create pixel-perfect masks of different parts of your image, such as a person or people, the sky and more. Once the mask has been created, you can make precise selective adjustments to exposure, color and much more.
In a new video tutorial for Adorama, Pye Jirsa walks through an entire couples photoshoot to show off how you can introduce the AI masking features to your Lightroom workflow (or Adobe Camera Raw workflow in Photoshop) to create 'epic black and white environmental portraits.' If you'd like to follow along with the tutorial, you can download the exercise files here.
The video is the latest in Jirsa's 'Master Your Craft' educational series that SLR Lounge has created exclusively for Adorama TV. If you'd like to see other episodes, click here.
(Via SLR Lounge)