International Landscape Photographer of the Year 2022 winners announced
posted Wednesday, December 7, 2022 at 3:30 PM EDT

The winners and Top 101 images have been selected for the 9th International Landscape Photographer of the Year competition. The overall winner, Benjamin Briones Grandi of Chile, earned the title Photographer of the Year for his portfolio. Tony Wang of China and Max Rive of the Netherlands earned second and third place, respectively.
Awards were also given for single photographs. American photographer Martin Broen won "Photograph of the Year." Austrian Mitja Kobal earned second place, and Liu Bai of China won the bronze. For each Photographer of the Year and Photograph of the Year, there are $10,000 in cash prizes. Special Award Winners were also designated, including Daniel Laan (Netherlands), Gheorghe Popa (Romania), Koki Dote (Japan), Jose D. Riquelme (Spain) and Julien Delaval (France). All winners will receive a printed awards book from Momento Pro, a one-meter framed print from Created for Life, and products from NiSi filters.
The International Landscape Photographer of the Year 2022 eBook, including the winners and the Top 101 images, is available to view here. You can view even more beautiful images in the Top 202+ section of the Archives.
Photographer of the Year Winners (Portfolio)
Looking first at Benjamin Briones Grandi's overall winning portfolio, we see four stunning landscape photos.

The 9th International Landscape Photographer of the Year

The 9th International Landscape Photographer of the Year

The 9th International Landscape Photographer of the Year

The 9th International Landscape Photographer of the Year
Chairman of Judges, Peter Eastway, said of the competition, "We love putting the International Landscape Photographer of the Year Awards together. And after this judging has finished, we like nothing more than to scroll through not only the winning photographs, but all of them. We're constantly amazed at the lengths photographers go to, whether physically in the landscape or creatively in post-production. The judges are equally enthusiastic. We intentionally keep the core of our judging panel constant from year to year because we believe this gives our regular entrants a better experience, allowing them to gauge their progress." The judging panel includes David Burnett, Tim Parkin Aytek Çetin, Kaye Davis and Jim M Goldstein. Çetin was last year's winner.
Below, you can see selected portfolio images from Tony Wang and Max Rive, the second and third-place winners in the Photographer of the Year category.

The 9th International Landscape Photographer of the Year

The 9th International Landscape Photographer of the Year

The 9th International Landscape Photographer of the Year

The 9th International Landscape Photographer of the Year

The 9th International Landscape Photographer of the Year

The 9th International Landscape Photographer of the Year
Photograph of the Year Winners (Single image)

The 9th International Landscape Photographer of the Year

The 9th International Landscape Photographer of the Year

The 9th International Landscape Photographer of the Year
Special Awards Winners

The 9th International Landscape Photographer of the Year

The 9th International Landscape Photographer of the Year

The 9th International Landscape Photographer of the Year

The 9th International Landscape Photographer of the Year

The 9th International Landscape Photographer of the Year
To view the rest of the top 101 images, visit the International Landscape Photographer of the Year website. You can also see them all presented in a beautiful eBook, with the printed awards book to be available later. There were so many great entries this year that the team also designated a Top 202+ section.
All images courtesy of the International Landscape Photographer of the Year competition, with credit to each photographer in the captions.