Got questions? We’ll get answers! Give us your questions for the manufacturers at CP+ 2023
posted Friday, January 27, 2023 at 12:11 AM EDT

It's that time of year again, and for the first time since 2019, there'll be a CP+ show in Yokohama, Japan, starting February 23!
I'll be attending the show for IR, with my main focus being my usual in-depth interviews with industry executives and engineers.
Do you have any questions you'd like me to ask the manufacturers on your behalf? If so, leave them in the comments below and I'll include as many as I can into my interviews
Just to set expectations, there's no guarantee I'll be able to include any given question, and whether I get an answer or not may depend on who's in the room with me: The parties on the other side of the table from me may be more engineering- or more marketing-oriented, and of course companies are always extremely cautious about proprietary information or their future plans, so don't expect details of that sort. If there's a reasonable likelihood of getting a meaningful reply, though, I'll ask the question.
For reference, here are some questions that won't get answered:
- When are you going to come out with the replacement for [Model XYZ]?
- When are you going to add [this feature]?
- Are you going to cut the price of [some product]?
I'm just starting to set up appointments (yeah, I'm actually pretty late doing this), so little is confirmed yet, but I expect to be meeting with the following companies:
- Canon
- Fujifilm
- Nikon
- OM Digital Solutions
- Panasonic
- Ricoh
- Sigma
- Sony (Update: I'll be meeting with Sony's head of lens engineering, so the focus will be on lenses and lens technology)
- Tamron
Leave your questions below and I'll try to include as many as I can. Don't delay though! - I'm working on my question lists right now, with the first due to a manufacturer this coming Tuesday.