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Adobe adds impressive new AI technology to its Lightroom ecosystem


Adobe has announced significant updates to its entire Lightroom ecosystem, including the popular Lightroom on desktop, Lightroom Classic, and Adobe Camera Raw applications.

Many new features rely upon improved...

Leica announces M11 Monochrom, a 60-megapixel camera built for black and white photography


It's a glorious time for black-and-white photography enthusiasts. Hot on the heels of Ricoh announcing the Pentax K-3 Mark III MonochromeLeica has announced a new monochrome camera, the Leica M11 Monochrom.


Nikon launches four affordable Coolpix compacts for Europe and Asia


Looking for an affordable compact camera that you can take anywhere without fear of breaking the bank, should you drop or lose it? If you're in Europe or Asia, Nikon has four new Coolpix models for you to choose from today. At the current time, there's no sign of matching announcements in the US market,...

How to light an incredible portrait with a $50 DIY lighting kit


Impressive doesn’t need to be synonymous with expensive. To prove this point is Aaron Nace of Phlearn. In the 7-minute video, Nace explains how you can create a stunning portrait using a DIY light kit that costs less than $50 to make.

In addition to showing you how to make the DIY continuous light kit, Nace also...

Geek-out time: We’ve 3D-printed a model of Olympus’ open-platform camera for a video walkaround!


Over the weekend, we told readers about Olympus' prototype Open Platform Camera, a hacker-friendly project that the company has shown at Hackathon events in Japan. Based around a Micro Four Thirds lens-style camera that's supported by both an SDK and 3D models that allow it to be incorporated into larger projects,...

Apple granted patent for action cam device, GoPro stock slumps


According to a Reuters report Apple has been granted a patent for a wearable action cam. Not major news, in and of itself, this seemed to cause quite a bit of stir amongst investors of other manufacturers of action cams, specifically GoPro. So much so that after it was revealed Apple received the patent, GoPro...

Gibbon releases playlist-based learning app for self-education on the go


In the age of the internet, it is easier than ever to self-educate, especially in the world of photography. The problem is that not every piece of information out there is golden and it’s often difficult to sort through the crap to get to the good stuff.

Gibbon is looking to change that though, with a new iOS app...

How to stitch together a pixel-perfect panorama in Photoshop


Panoramas have become all but automated in the world of digital photography and ‘dry’ darkrooms. Thanks to Photoshop, it’s easier than ever to import a batch of images and have an automated script spit out an almost-perfect panorama.

There are times though when Photoshop doesn’t get the entire job done, or there...

Pentax shows connected APS-C DSLR, possible full-frame lenses at Consumer Electronics Show!


Last week, Ricoh Imaging showed reference designs for several upcoming products in its booth at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas, Nevada. At the time, we were flooded with meetings, so we're only just now getting a chance to cover the news, but we stopped by Ricoh's booth during the show to get some...

Chrome extension shows you beautiful photos from Exposure when you open a new tab


Online storytelling brand Exposure has released a new Google Chrome extension that makes the most of web browsing. Built from the ground up by the Exposure team, Exposure New Tab brings a bit of beauty to browsing.

Specifically, when you open a new tab in Google Chrome, you’re presented with a beautiful new image...

How to make artistic multiple exposures in-camera and in Photoshop


Multiple exposure photography is nothing new. But in a world where we can do it considerably easy, both in-camera and via post production, it’s critical to know how multiple exposure photography works. Here to break down the basics is Tony Northrup and Chelsea.

In the nine-minute video, Chelsea breaks down every...

DIY IKEA hack for easy 360º product photography


If you think you need an elaborate, expensive studio setup to capture 360º product photography, you’re going to want watch this video. Uploaded to Youtube by Vladimir Matiyasevich, this two-and-a-half minute DIY tutorial shows you how, with a few inexpensive products from IKEA, you can have a perfect 360º product...

Apple overtakes Nikon to become second most popular camera brand on Flickr


Each year Flickr releases a detailed report of camera rankings amongst its 100 million users. This past weekend, Flickr shared its 2014 data with the world. And while most of it remains unchanged from previous years, there are a few standout mentions that show just how much the photography environment is changing.


A hacker’s dream: Olympus debuts hackable Micro Four Thirds camera at Japan Hackathon!


Hackers rejoice! Thanks to Olympus, there's finally official camera-company support for the hacker mind-set, including not only an official Software Developer's Kit (SDK), but 3D design data as well! It's not quite here yet in the US or other parts of the world, nor is it clear that the core element is...

These veggie masterpieces are your argument for playing with (and photographing) your food


Whoever said you shouldn’t play with your food has never seen the artwork of Amber Locke. Founded through a ‘happy accident’ and inspired by her dietary habits, Locke uses vegetables to meticulously construct ornate patterns. Once finished, she photographs the compositions and turns them into limited-edition prints...

B&H brings Yongnuo’s budget-friendly gear to its catalog


In an interesting move for both parties, B&H Photo announced it’s bringing Yongnuo’s entire budget-friendly gear lineup to their product catalog.

This comes as major news since up until now, any Yongnuo purchase had to be exported straight from China. Not inherently problematic, this means of getting products to...

How to make the most of small spaces when shooting portraits


In this video for Rangefinder Magazine, photographer Miguel Quiles shows how to make the most of a small space when shooting portraits.

Ideally, we’d all start our photography careers with a giant studio to work from. Realistically, we’re often left shooting in our garages or living rooms until we can get our...

Nikon steps up for the D750: Free fix for flare foibles!


After numerous reports of flare problems with the popular D750, Nikon responded with an official statement back on Dec. 29th acknowledging their awareness of the issue and that they were "currently looking into measures to address [the] issue." Today, Nikon updated the original support advisory announcing that they...

How to photograph indoor sports on a budget: A primer for beginners and novices

Nikon D3300 w/ 35mm f/1.8 lens

Shooting indoor sports is tricky, especially on a budget, because you have several critical components working against you in tandem: fast-moving action & low light.
If you remove either of these, then capturing the other becomes a piece of cake (with a little practice, at least). But...

Photoshelter releases ‘2015 Photo Business Plan Workbook’


It’s not their primary business, but Photoshelter is known for its impressive archive of educational photography resources. Whether it’s a list of photo tips or guide to entering photo contests, the infographics and PDFs are concise-yet-thorough in their analysis and suggestions.

To ring in the new year,...

10 Ways to Use the Same Softbox

It seems each and every day a new light modifier is released into the wild. However, until you understand the basics of modifying light and the options they can truly provide, it’s difficult to appreciate just how valuable the most simple pieces of lighting gear can be.

Tony Corbell, on behalf of of Sekonic, helps put things into perspective...

Samsung answers photographers’ requests, preps major firmware update for Samsung NX1


If you've picked up the flagship Samsung NX1 mirrorless camera since it started shipping a couple of months ago -- or you've got an NX1 on your wishlist -- we have great news for you. The company is currently preparing to release a new firmware update that answers a whole raft of requests from early adopters.
