Feather Focus Photo Contest finalists unveiled
posted Wednesday, March 17, 2021 at 9:30 AM EDT

Back in November, we teamed up with our sibling publication Digital Photo to co-host the Feather Focus Photo Contest. For bird photography enthusiasts, this was a perfect opportunity to showcase your art and talent in photographing our feathered friends, and, of course, be in the running for some exciting prizes from our contest sponsor, Olympus.
We are thrilled to report that we received a stunning amount of submissions, at nearly 5,000 entries! As you can imagine, the judging process has turned into quite a challenge. However, we've finally managed to narrow down our contest finalists!
To see all these gorgeous photos, head over to Digital Photo and browse through a slideshow of the finalist images.
The final contest judging is currently underway, and the winners will be announced soon!