Nikon D2Xs Operation
I found the user interface on the Nikon D2Xs surprisingly straightforward and simple to use, even more so than I did the earlier D2H model. The LCD menu is a five-tab system that divides up functions between Playback, Camera, Custom Settings, and Set-up, with the addition of a Recent Settings menu. This simply lists all of the latest menu items you've accessed for quick changes. While many of the camera's options can be accessed via the excellent "plain English" menu system, all the most common shooting controls are available via the camera's external buttons and knobs. You can also program the operation of some of the buttons, to configure the camera for your particular shooting requirements. As I noted earlier, Nikon makes a big deal of their digital SLR's "cameraness," defined as how well/easily they function as cameras.
1 |
Shutter speed | 11 |
Battery indicator |
Exposure compensation value | 12 |
Frame count | |
Number of shots in bracketing sequence | 13 |
"K" (appears when memory remains for over 1000 exposures) | |
Number of intervals for interval timer photography | 14 |
FV lock indicator | |
Focal length (non-CPU lens) | 15 |
Sync indicator | |
ISO Sensitivity | 16 |
Clock battery indicator | |
"Busy" indicator | 17 |
GPS connection indicator | |
2 |
Shutter-speed lock icon | 18 |
High-speed crop indicator |
3 |
Flexible program indicator | 19 |
Exposure compensation indicator |
4 |
Exposure mode | 20 |
Interval timer indicator |
5 |
Memory card indicator | 21 |
Multiple exposure indicator |
6 |
Focus area | 22 |
Aperture lock icon |
AF-area mode | 23 |
Image comment indicator | |
7 |
Flash sync mode | 24 |
Exposure bracketing indicator |
8 |
Number of exposures remaining | White-balance bracketing indicator | |
Number of shots remaining before memory buffer fills | 25 |
Electronic analog exposure display | |
Capture mode indicator | Exposure compensation | ||
9 |
Aperture stop indicator | Bracketing progress indicator | |
Aperture (f/-number) | PC mode Indicator | |
Aperture (number of stops) | |||
Bracketing increment | |||
Number of shots per interval | |||
Maximum aperture (non-CPU lens) | |||
PC mode indicator |
1 |
Custom settings bank | 6 |
"K" (appears when memory remains for over 1000 exposures) |
2 |
"Remaining" indicator | Color temperature indicator | |
3 |
Shooting menu settings bank | 7 |
Image quality |
4 |
ISO Sensitivity indicator | 8 |
Image size |
Auto ISO sensitivity indicator | 9 |
White-balance bracketing indicator | |
5 |
ISO Sensitivity | 10 |
Voice memo recording indicator (shooting mode) |
ISO Sensitivity (high gain) | 11 |
Voice memo status indicator | |
Number of exposures remaining | 12 |
Voice memo recording mode | |
Length of voice memo | 13 |
White balance mode | |
White balance fine-tuning | |||
White balance preset number | |||
Color temperature | |||
PC mode indicator |
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