Canon T5 Image Quality Comparison
The crops below compare the Canon T5 to the Canon T3, Canon T5i , Nikon D3300, Pentax K-500 and Sony A5100.
NOTE: These images are best quality JPEGs straight out of the camera, at default settings including noise reduction and using the actual base ISO (not extended ISO settings). All cameras in this comparison were shot with our very sharp reference lenses. Click any image to bring up the full test shot.
Canon T5 vs Canon T3 at Base ISO
Canon T5 vs Canon T5i at Base ISO
Canon T5 vs Nikon D3300 at Base ISO
Canon T5 vs Pentax K-500 at Base ISO
Canon T5 vs Sony A5100 at Base ISO
Moving onto ISO 1600 now, where noise processing starts to show its character.
Canon T5 vs Canon T3 at 1600 ISO
Canon T5 vs Canon T5i at 1600 ISO
Canon T5 vs Nikon D3300 at 1600 ISO
Canon T5 vs Pentax K-500 at 1600 ISO
Canon T5 vs Sony A5100 at 1600 ISO
And below at ISO 3200, the stakes really start to show in today's cameras.
Canon T5 vs Canon T3 at 3200 ISO
Canon T5 vs Canon T5i at 3200 ISO
Canon T5 vs Nikon D3300 at 3200 ISO
Canon T5 vs Pentax K-500 at 3200 ISO
Canon T5 vs Sony A5100 at 3200 ISO
Canon T5 vs. Canon T3, Canon T5i, Nikon D3300, Pentax K500 and Sony A5100.
Canon T5 Print Quality
Good 24 x 36 inch prints at ISO 100 and 200; a nice 11 x 14 at ISO 1,600; a reasonable 5 x 7 at ISO 6,400.
ISO 100 and 200 yield good prints up to 24 x 36 inches. 20 x 30's are very nice, rendering sharper fine detail, and 30 x 40's are fine for wall display prints at arm's length.
ISO 400 prints are quite good at 20 x 30 inches, and 24 x 36's here are suitable for wall display and less critical applications.
ISO 800 images at 20 x 30 inches have a bit too much noise in flatter areas of our target to merit our "good" grade, but the prints are not bad by any means and the noise is reminiscent of film grain. We can safely call the 16 x 20's good at this setting, as noise is well-controlled here and fine detail is quite good.
ISO 1,600 produces a 13 x 19 inch print that almost passes our good standard, and is certainly usable for less critical applications. 11 x 14's are good here for most all applications, with nice detail and full color reproduction.
ISO 3,200 prints tend to start taking their toll for noise levels on most APS-C cameras, and the T5 is no exception. We can call 8 x 10's good here, but there is still a bit of noticeable noise in a few areas of our test target, and the typical softening of certain areas in the red channel.
ISO 6,400 yields a 5 x 7 inch print that just passes our good seal of approval, though overall colors are beginning to look just a bit muted.
ISO 12,800 does not yield a good print and is best avoided except for less critical applications.
The Canon T5 stands up in the print quality department in most regards to its pricier sibling the T5i, falling behind it at only a couple of higher ISOs by one print size. It prints at lower ISOs up to 24 x 36 inches, quite a common size for APS-C cameras at these settings, and still delivers a good 5 x 7 at ISO 6,400. And all this while priced at just MSRP US$550, including a good kit lens. Due to the amazing price/performance ratio, we certainly give the Canon T5 an overall "good" rating in our print quality assessment.
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